Garden Pain Free

Garden pain free: tips from a chiropractor

The irises are blooming, the rains keep coming, and yard work calls. Yep, it’s springtime. As an avid gardener, I know the lure of the dirt and a trowel. There is just something so rewarding about working with your hands in the earth, helping to nurture new growth. Or maybe you’re like a lot of people, and you do yard work because it’s your responsibility as a homeowner. Either way, the time for gardening is upon us.

Gardening can be wonderfully beneficial. According to Psychology Today, gardening allows us to relax and let go, while also releasing the “happy hormone” dopamine (Rayner, S. 2015, May 15). This spring, get outside and play in the dirt. It’s easy and fun! Just be sure to exercise some caution before you jump in.

Like any other physical activity, warming up and cooling down go a long way in preventing injury. A few minutes of warming up your body can get you ready to garden without injury.

To help you avoid injury, I have provided a few key warm up/cool down moves below. These moves mimic the natural postures of gardening and yard work, and will help get your body ready for all that extra activity. Take five minutes to do about five repetitions of each exercise.

Key Moves to Remember:

  • Hip circles
  • Simple squats
  • Wrist and ankle circles
  • Cat/cow pose

If you do experience pain after gardening, try a cold or hot pack applied to the sore muscle. However, if pain persists for more than 24 hours, it’s a good idea to seek help from an experienced chiropractor.

How to Survive Winter

Winter is a wonderful time of year, but it brings its own challenges. Shoveling snow, winter sports, and navigating ice can lead to injury. So before you head out this winter, check out our infographic below for a quick reminder about how to enjoy winter safely.

Hello world!

Why chiropractic?

Chiropractic focuses on improving the function of the joints, muscles and nerves that effect the way you feel and move.  Our bodies work as integrated systems – for example the position and movement of your foot/ankle effects the position and movement of your knee – Chiropractors take a big picture approach to diagnosing often uncovering underlying problems which are contributing to chronic pain.

Chiropractic does not utilize invasive techniques or procedures.   The body has an amazing capacity to heal – If we get out of our own way!  Many times our good intentioned behaviors may inadvertently be contributing to the problem.  Chiropractors are trained to consider a wide variety of influences when recommending appropriate treatment.

Treatments may include manipulation or mobilization of joints to restore appropriate movement or positions, myofascial  therapies to reduce muscular imbalances and painful trigger points, targeted exercises and training advice to correct underlying weaknesses or movement problems, or modifications of certain activities to reduce prolonged strain.

Regardless of the specific treatment recommended – Chiropractic is focused on returning you to an active healthy lifestyle as quickly as possible – No matter if your goal is running a marathon, swimming without shoulder pain, or just waking up in the morning without a sore back –