
We offer a variety of non-invasive treatments to address each patient’s individual condition.


Many chiropractors, osteopaths and physical therapists utilize manipulation and mobilization techniques to improve joint movement, reduce pain and restore muscle tone. Mobilization employs gentle pressure or a shallow thrust to restore optimal motion. Manipulation is sometimes accompanied by a pop or cracking noise, which results from the joint’s release of gases. Following treatment it is common to experience less pain and muscle tension and a greater range of motion. At North College Hill Spine & Joint we utilize time-limited mobilization and manipulation procedures only when necessary and in conjunction with the patient’s approval.

Active Myofasical Release

Myofascial release is a soft tissue system that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fascitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and often permanently. Many cumulative trauma injuries occurring on the athletic field or in the workplace can be addressed. A typical visit is part diagnosis (identifying where the adhesion or soft-tissue lesion is) and treatment (freeing the adhesion or nerve entrapment). This type of therapy has become the “gold standard” for treating injuries in the athletic community and for workplace injuries.

Advice and Information

In the recent years research has revealed that the traditional approach to treating musculoskeletal pain may not be the best, in fact it can often prolong recovery and install fear of activities and disability in the patient. We rely on conveying the most up to date medical literature science has to offer to our patients. Our patients appreciate the explanation of their condition and the steps they can take to manage and take a pro-active stance with their care.

McKenzie Method® disc therapy

McKenzie Method® therapy is a musculoskeletal pain classification system of spinal related disorders. It is based on a “cause and effect” relationship between historical pain experience as well as the pain response to repeated loading maneuvers of the spine during the examination.

Disc bulges/herniations with radicular leg pain, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis are just a few of the conditions that are able to be successfully classified and treated with McKenzie therapy.

Functional Rehabilitation

Functional rehabilitation is based upon the patient’s presenting capabilities (what they can do) and focuses on bridging the gap to the patient’s goals (what they want to do). We understand that patients have specific limitations when they seek treatment:

“I can’t put my socks on.”
“I have pain when I swing a golf club.”
“My shoulder hurts when I wash my hair.”
“I can’t pick up my grandchild”
“I have leg pain when I sit too long”

Our care begins with an assessment of what the patient can functionally perform and setting a treatment plan that gets them to their desired goal:

“I can now swing a golf club without pain.”
“I can now work at the computer without getting headaches.”
“Now I can lift a bag of groceries without my back hurting.”
“My hands aren’t numb when I work on the computer.”

While exercises are often needed to serve as an entry point to rehabilitation, we always focus on the desires and goals of the patient and strive to reach these goals in the shortest time possible.